
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Why Blog?

For the past three years, I have been a blog connoisseur. I stumbled upon a blog one day and from there I've read thousands of blog posts. Some blogs are about classroom tips and others are about style, travel and enjoying the life we were given. Within the past year I started getting the itch to create my own blog, but I always told myself NO! No.. who would want to read it? No.. you're too young! No.. blogs are for the rich and famous! No.. you're not that important! No.. people will think you're preaching to them! No..people will think you think you've got it all together!

These self doubts quickly shut out the idea of ever starting my own blog until one day I realized that I preach all day to my students about NEVER giving up, ALWAYS believing in themselves, be what THEY want to be someday, DON'T let others doubt you, and I suddenly thought to myself..Why you're pretty good at preaching to 13 and 14 year olds but you still haven't taken the advice yourself.. so I planned to start my blog by the end of Summer 2016.

I started coming up with ideas for a blog name and almost stopped the idea of being a blogger just because I couldn't come up with a good name, but finally I settled on Reaching Beyond Mediocrity because so much of my life revolves around being better than I was yesterday, last week, last year, 5 years ago. I'm a super competitive person and will push myself to the limits because I know I can do better. I once had a college professor, who was by far my favorite professor, that said "Do you want to be known as a mediocre teacher?"...No, no one wants to be known as mediocre. The idea of being mediocre has stuck with me ever since that snowy morning in Merrill Hall.

This will be an adventure that I hope encapsulates the ideas that have flown around in my head for the past couple of years. Thanks for stopping by!