
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nighttime Skincare Routine

I've been reading a lot about other people's skincare routine recently, and I just made an appointment with my dermatologist, so I thought it was fitting to share my own routine.

I've always had troubled skin.
I swear I spend more time a day on my skin, but it still acts up.
With that being said, I've been on nearly every acne medication known to man, be it topical or oral.


I'm sure there's more, but I will stop there.
I started off with a dermatologist who really wasn't proactive in clearing up my skin. 
I felt like he was more concerned about getting on to his next patients, so I switched.
Thank goodness!
I now go to a phenomenal health care center called Trillium Creek. 
They have multiple locations, a boutique, salon, their own makeup line, etc.

My skin is still a struggle, but it's a lot better than it used to be.
I'm very self-conscious as I have some scarring, but there's not a whole lot they can do about it.

Dove Soap
I wash my face in the shower with Dove soap.

Avene Makeup Remover
After getting out of the shower I use Avene Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. 
Some remover makes my skin burn, but this one does not. 
I squirt a little bit on a cotton pad and wipe off what wasn't taken off from the Dove soap.

I've had my Clarisonic for about 5 years. I actually think it's starting to go bad becuase I have to constantly have it charged, but I like to use it 3 or so times a week with Dove soap or a Green Tea cleanser from my dermatologist. 
I love how smooth my skin is after using it.
I just like to be careful not to overuse it and make my skin irritated.

After the Clarisonic I will use CeraVe moisturizer all over my face or my Green Tea Serum.
CeraVe was another recommendation from my dermatologist that works as a great moisturizer.

Green Tea Serum
This serum comes from a line by my dermatologist. It's supposed to be used on specific spots like around the eyes and nose, but sometimes I use it all over. 
You don't need a lot; only a pump or two for it to spread out. 

I'm currently using Aczone to spot treat my acne. If a spot pops up, I put a dot of Aczone on it. It's too powerful to use all over my face as it will dry it out instantly, so I make sure to use my moisturizer first before putting it on.
Sometimes I use more of it than others.

That's my current nighttime routine.
Do you have any suggestions to add in or products that you love and want to share?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day in the Life: First Edition!

Today I'm recapping a day in my life!!
I always love to read about what others do in a day, so I thought it fitting to chronicle one of my typical days. 

 Up and at it at 4:30 a.m. 
I used to get up at 4 to get ready for work but since I cut my hair short, I get to sleep in until 4:30!!
I'm actually a morning person, so this time doesn't really bother me. 

Fix my hair, and then head to the kitchen for some oatmeal and milk.

 While eating my breakfast I have a little devotional time and watch the 5 a.m. local news.

 Right before 5:30 I head out the door to go to work. 
On this day it was quite chilly. 

 Christmas music all the way.

 Right around 6 I make it to school. 
Look at all of the snow on this morning. 

 Room 108 welcomes me!

 On this day it was super cold inside. 
I'm typically cold, but on this day I was SO cold!
My heater was blowing cold air.
I really did think the furnace might have broke, so I went to check with the janitor. 
It was okay, but a little delayed I think.
I wore my coat for half of the morning. 

 This was my 7 o'clock. 
By this point I had been at school for almost an hour. 
I love getting there early because nearly no one else is there, and I do my best work in the morning!

 We had a debate in all of my classes on this day. 
I wish I could show you how awesome of a job they did, but I will show you a couple yard signs instead. 
Cores 1 and 2 were trying to determine if they could combine past and present stances of candidates to create the perfect president. 
Each student chose a successful or unsuccessful candidate from the past and present to create a new candidate with a logo, slogan and yard sign. 

 My 10 o'clock looked like this with a little planning on Padlet. 
If you're a teacher and haven't used Padlet, check it out!
It's like an online pad of paper. 

I clearly got caught up the rest of the afternoon in our debates that I didn't take one picture. 

 Around 3 I headed home, and it was still pretty chilly. 

 About 4 I chose to workout in the basement on this day. 
I alternate between running and lifting. 
Sometimes I do a workout video, but on this day I did my own workout. 

 I did some computer work around 6

 At 7 we went to a trails meeting to try to get hiking/biking/walking trails in our area. 
The meeting was at a local church/preschool. 
This is where I went to preschool and that's my same preschool teacher!
Awesome memories happened in that room!

On this night I got caught up in a Hallmark movie and didn't go to bed until super late. 
I'm not a late to bed person, but I clearly was on this night. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Let's Talk: Christmas Traditions

Happy Monday!
I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing holiday and extended weekend. 
I feel like the time just keeps racing by. 
Today we are off of school because it marks the beginning of hunting season. 
I'm not a hunter, but I sure will enjoy the day off!

Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika to share a little Let's Talk...
This time around we are sharing Christmas Traditions!!

Now, I feel like Christmas traditions will take on a whole new meaning this year as it's my first year being married. 
For today, I will talk about traditions from the past; however, it's all game to change this year. 

Crazy Gifts

My brother, cousin and I started this tradition a few years back of gifting each other a crazy gift. 
The process of getting to the gift might be crazy or the gift itself might be crazy...

This might have been the year that started it all.
Garron thought he was going to get me good by giving me 
 a gift wrapped in duct tape
It took forever to get the tape off (yes, he alternated directions) and actually get to the gift. 
Funny thing is, I don't remember the gift...just the wrapping.

What is hilarious, is that my brother gave Garron a box that when opened shot off poppers. 
boom, bang, boom 
That was the sound as he opened the box. 

This led to many many years of tricks...

One year I received a TV...
No, actually a really huge box with a lot of peanuts inside and a gift card!

One year my cousin got a box full of marshmallows....
where he had to unscramble the marshmallows with words on them to find out what his present was. 

One year I got a bow from my brother 
and arrows from my cousin

Last year I got a raccoon head

I love this tradition so much, but I'm really stumped this year. 
Any ideas on how to get payback to my cousin yet again?
If so, please comment below.

Family Time

We always get pictures taken on Christmas morning in front of our tree at my parents as in the picture above


 on Christmas Eve in front of the fireplace at my grandma's after Christmas Eve Candelight service


 on Christmas Day in front of my other grandma's tree

  I love family time and really enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

Christmas Dinner

This year we are starting a new tradition again.
As a kid we always had Christmas dinner at my grandma's house with my family from New York who we only got to see once or twice a year. 
I remember trying to figure out the exact time that my New York family would arrive. 
I tried to get home from school and ride my bike across town to my grandma's or have someone take me so that I could get in as much time as possible with them. 
It's fitting to show the picture below.
My Aunt Kathy would always come with some game for us to play. 
The guys would hate it, but she would make them play. 
She would always take us to a movie and give us at least one book as a Christmas present. 
I loved those days so much.

If my grandma didn't have dinner, her close friend had it. 
It's been a rough few years as my grandma went to the nursing home and since has passed. 
I rarely see my New York family and Christmas dinners will never be the same, but I'm bound to bring the tradition back to life. 
My husband and I actually bought my grandma's house, so we will be having Christmas dinner in the exact same house, at the exact same table, in the exact same room as I did when I was a child. 
I CANNOT wait!


 Last year we had a cookie day at my grandma's where we prepared dough ahead of time and baked them at her house. 
We had a blast. 

What I remember most about Christmas baking is in the picture below
Grandma Helen got me into baking..
We would spend hours each Christmas in the kitchen at that exact spot making 
Reese's Cup, Hershey Bud, Pizzels, Apricot filled, Raisin filled, chocolate chip and buns
I would nearly give anything to relive those days. 

Our goal was to always fill up the dining room table. 
She may be gone but the goal is still there. 
I have the same dining room table and will definitely be filling it up this year!

 Those are only a few of our traditions, but I can't wait to see the new ones in the future!
As I mentioned earlier, I really need to think up of a great tricky gift for my cousin this year. 
Not only do I have Christmas, but he is graduating in December and his birthday is the day after Christmas. 
Bring on all of the tricky gifts!! :)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Friday Favorites: It's Black Friday!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving spending time with the ones you love!
I know some crazy people are out shopping right now, but I'm probably still in bed enjoying a little break from my early morning alarm for school.
Grab your link and linkup with Andrea,  Erika and Narci.

I have been a Hallmark junkie the past week. 
If you haven't checked out the Hallmark channel, take a look.
They are running movies 24-7. 
I typically watch the 5 o'clock news while eating my breakfast, but now I watch Christmas movies!
What better way to start your day than with a Hallmark movie?!

Christmas Land is one of my favorites!
A NYC businesswoman inherits her grandmother's home/village and plans to put it up for sale until she gets there and starts falling for Christmas Land.

A Cookie Cutter Christmas made me stay up past my typical bedtime to see the end.
I think the fact that it involved a teacher, baking and Christmas did me in!!
A teacher participates in a holiday bake-off and falls for one of her student's father while tutoring the little girl.

When you turn on the tv and can name the movie and have already seen it is a problem!
I rewatched Hats off to Christmas while making soup one morning.
A widow who has a child in a wheelchair manages the town's favorite Christmas store: Hats off to Christmas! She is asked to train her boss' son, who has no interest in Christmas but soon because smitten by the widow's young son. 

Can you see those little white spots on the ground?!
Our first snow happened last Saturday.
If you know anything about the weather in Ohio, you know you never can prepare for what should happen next!!
On Friday it was 75 degrees. 
I came home from work and went running in shorts. 
I washed my car and took out screens and washed the front windows. 
We even went on a walk at 9 p.m., and it was super warm!
We work up Saturday morning to rain and by noon it was snowing!!
The temperature had dropped around 40 degrees in only 3 hours!!!

This was my view when I got to school on Monday! 

Rick Warren
If you haven't read my post yesterday on being thankful in all circumstances, check it out here
I read it a year or so ago and bookmarked it on my phone.
I refer back to it several times throughout the year. 
It is so hard sometimes to be thankful when we are going through very hard trials, but Rick reminds us to be thankful IN all circumstances not necessarily FOR all circumstances.

Black Friday Deals

It's Black Friday...
I used to love looking through the ads on Thanksgiving morning while watching the parade, but I really didn't see anything great this year.

What I am loving are the online deals.

I'm not a crowd person, so I'm not really into going to the stores and pushing through people. 
We may go out for a little while later today, but I like to specifically time it up for when the crowds are in between. 
I've found that 9 a.m is a great time because the all-nighters have gone home and the Saturday crowd is still getting ready to head out. 

I've listed some great deals that I'm debating purchasing below. 
If you see an item that you have or think would be a great purchase, let me know!!!

I initially loved this style of top in dress form, but most of the sizes have sold out.
I'm thinking of pairing one of these tops with a skirt.
I really love the red and thought of wearing it with a black pencil skirt, but I also found the red skirt below.

Use code Celebrate for 50% off at Ann Taylor.



I've had my eye on these booties since the Nordstrom Anniversary sale.
I kept hoping they would go back on sale and they have!!!
Only $77.
I really love them in this Brindle Leather color

This is another pair of booties that I've had my eyes on.
I really love them but am afraid I won't get as much wear out of them now that it's basically winter here.
They also come in two other colors.

Here's another pair that I haven't seen before but really like.
I need a pair of black booties, so these really caught my eyes.
They also come in a leather color.

Kendra Scott Items 20%

I forgot all about this bracelet until I saw a picture of it.
Then, I frantically ran to my jewelry box because I hadn't seen it in forever.
I could NOT find it.
This was driving me crazy because I put everything back in its place after I use/wear it.
I was so sure that this cuff had fallen off my wrist like some other bracelets, and I hadn't noticed and lost it.
Then, I remembered my travel jewelry bag.
And that's exactly where it was.
Tucked away in its traveling spot.
I pulled it out and have been enjoying wearing it again.

Lots of Kendra Scott items are 20% off right now at Nordstrom.

These Lee earrings are some of my favorite as they aren't as large as the other ones.

Well, today I'm anticipating putting up our Christmas tree!!
Wish me luck as I find a place for our too many decorations!
In addition, I need to find a White Elephant Christmas gift for our ThanksChristmas tomorrow night!
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!