
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

5 Fast Facts-Gardening Indoors

Today I thought I would share with you some fast facts on starting and growing your own plants. 

Way back as an 8th grader in school I did my science fair project on which type of light would best grow marigolds. 
That started the growing your own flowers phase, and it since hasn't ceased. 

Every winter my dad and I choose which plants, flowers and vegetables, we want to grow ourselves. 
We order the seeds and plant them come February or March. 

I've come to realize that the ones we grow ourselves are nearly the best plants that I will see around. 

There are still special greenhouses that I will go to, but they aren't close to where I live, so I can't count on them for everything because my time to go is limited. 

The local greenhouses plus Walmart, Lowe's, etc. don't have the best variety or the best looking plants. 
Normally, it's workers who don't really care about the plants or know how to care about the plants taking care of them, thus they aren't super healthy when you buy them. 

If you're even the slightest bit interested in growing your own, DO IT!
So, I have 5 Fast Facts for you on HOW to do it. 

1. Order your seeds online


Try out one of the three companies above. 
They have the best selection of seeds that actually produce. 
In addition, they are usually running some sort of sale to make the seeds even more affordable. 
It's actually much more cost friendly to grow them yourself, even with all of the supplies that's needed. 

2. Purchase a light

It's easiest if you buy a light and a stand, but I would definitely advocate for a light. 
A light makes it easier for your seeds to get light, especially in the dreary winter months.

I have two different kinds of lights. 
The one below came with the stand. 

This other one we easily bought online. 
We hook it onto the shelf above it, and it works great!

3. Purchase good soil

I like to use Jiffy soil.
Don't use something that has too much fertilizer or something that's too sandy. 

4. Purchase a heat mat

A heat mat helps to speed up and promote sprouting. 
We don't have a ton of extra room in our home, so I initially thought I would put my plant stand in the basement. 

Since it's winter, the basement is super cold, so we got extra heat mats to help keep the plants at a more normal temperature. 
Fortunately, we found space in our dining room for them, but the heat mats still help. 
I notice that my seeds start sprouting A LOT sooner than it says on their packets. 
I think a lot of it has to do with the lights and the heat mats.

Box to stand

The heat mats are super easy to use. 
Just plug them in and there you have it!

5. Water your seeds from the bottom

This is a big one, and I just started catching on to it last year and this year. 
Watering your seeds from the bottom helps them from getting too much water and helps not to disturb the seeds. 

Some of the seeds aren't deep in the soil. 
Some, like petunias just sit on top of the soil. 
They can easily be swept away if you are using a spray bottle to spray them with water or if you put too much water on top of them. 

I like to leave some space towards the edges of my flats that don't have soil or seeds in them, so that I can pour water down there. 
This prevents me from having to pick up the whole flat to water it. 
I simply pour the water in and it disperses throughout the entire flat. 

Well, there you have it. 
5 fast facts about gardening indoors or at least starting your plants indoors. 
I give my plants a good three months indoors, and then I will slowly start acquainting them to the outdoors. 


  1. These are great tips! I am terrible when it comes to any form of gardening, but this sounds like something I could be successful with.

  2. I have a beautiful window space by my kitchen sink. Maybe I'll try my hand with some cilantro this year!
