
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday Training: PopSugar Videos Under 20 Minutes

It's been a while since I linked up with Allie from A Gal Named Al.
On Tuesday she shares different training videos and tips for working out. 
I admire Allie so much because she says that she doesn't love running yet each year she trains for a local 5k. 
I really admire someone who doesn't love doing something yet they train and do it anyway.
The rest of the year she does various workout videos to help stay in shape. 
While I love working out and enjoy it most days. 
I applaud those who don't love it but keep at it!

On Sunday I was going to do my regular Jillian Michaels workout video, but I was dreading it. 
When I turned on the TV and went to YouTube the normal recommended videos popped up. 
I decided to forgo my regular video and try a new one. 

I opted for one video, but as you will read only did half of it, so then I found another short one. 
Both are by PopSugar Fitness.

20 Minute Bikini HIIT Workout

This was the first recommended video. 
It pulled me in by being only 20 minutes long, which is the same as my normal video. 
I loved the enthusiasm of the instructor. 
In addition, there's a timer at the top right of the screen. 
I love being able to see how much time is remaining!

There are 5 moves in this video and they are repeated again and again and again. 
Each set they are amped up or modified a bit. 
My problem is I don't like doing the same thing over and over and over again. 
I did two rounds, which was 10 minutes and decided to find another video. 

I thought the moves we beneficial and really loved adding in the jumps because that's not something I do a lot of. 
If you enjoy doing the same moves over again, try this out!
Or try half of it like I did and move on to the next video!

5 Minutes Standing Flat Belly Workout

After doing half of the above workout I wanted a little something else to add on. 
This video caught me by being only 5 minutes long!

No equipment is required. 
You do each move for 30 seconds.
The moves can be simplified for those wishing for a little easier workout or modified to make them a bit harder. 
It was just what I was looking for to end out my 15 minutes workout session before church. 


  1. Aww thanks for the shoutout! Don't you love Anna? She's so different from Jillian- I do so much better with her support vs. Jillian treating me like trash! Ha!

  2. She was so sweet and motivating! I really enjoyed the change up in my workout routine!!

  3. I did that first video as well and I got so bored. I agree about doing the same moves over and over again. I got bored really quickly.
