
Monday, July 24, 2017

Blog Ideas

I've been blogging in this little blog world for about 9 months now. 
I've learned A LOT and still have A LOT to learn. 

I've been thinking lately about blog posts. 
When I first started blogging I was posting 5 days a week. 
It was HARD!
Each night I would sit at the computer, a lot of times until later than I planned on being awake and type away. 
I missed a lot of life by always being on the computer. 

Come the new year or around that time I realized that it wasn't worth it to give up regular life to be on here. 
So, I started blogging 3 days a week. 
Over the summer there have been times when I've kept with the 3 days and times when I've done 5. 
Honestly, right now I have nothing but time, so I make posts at my convenience, but I'm planning for the fall. 

I need ideas from YOU on how to make my blog better and what kinds of posts people enjoy reading. 
I know I'm new to blogging, and I don't expect lots of comments because I live an ordinary life; however, I'm interested in figuring out what I can do to make my little space online better. 

What ideas do you have?
Are there certain topics I should blog about?
How many days, which days should I blog?
How do you navigate blog life and real life?
I'm interested in hearing what you have to tell me today, so head to the comments section below! 


  1. I feel the same way. When I initially started blogging, I tried so hard to knock out content every day and it becomes daunting and just not fun anymore. I strive for 3 days a week as well and it is much better now.

  2. I think just every day posts are always - at least I know that's what I love. And recipes!!!! If 5 days is too much, I think 3, MWF, is always a good choice! I know a lot of girls that have kind of gone down to that. I think the key is to plan, plan, plan, which will help you balance blog life with your real life. That way you can be like, well I know I need X amount of time to do this post, and then can adjust your schedule for that, so you aren't missing out on anything, doing it last minute (at least most of the time!).

  3. To each their own I say! For me, it's taking me a long time to learn balance and honestly I'm still working on it. There's no way I could post 5 times a week. I'd never sleep! Three times is even a stretch. Two is the norm and a lot of times one happens. And I chuck that up to real life. I've found that I don't get as burnt out if I just go with what works. If I'm not feeling creative, I don't force it. As for ideas, I have found he blog It Starts With Coffee to be a huge resource in learning what to do or not do, ideas for blog posts etc. Neely is awesome. I'm not very much help, I know. But quality is better than quantity any day. You're doing great!

  4. The Friday link-ups definitely drive my traffic, and sorting through different bloggers on those link-ups helped me find "my people." I do most of my blogging at night when we watch a tv show or movie. I try to write as much as I can ahead of time, too. I'm very Type A and have every post planned out for the rest of the year, but that's just because I keep my schedule and don't really write "from the heart" posts. If there's a topic you love, I vote that you make it a weekly thing or at least 2 times a month.
