
Monday, July 10, 2017

July Goals

The summer has me off my game. 
I haven't spent a ton of time looking at my blog posts calendar. 
That made me forgot about doing a July Goals post until I read Emily's post
She has a great list of goals for July including cleaning makeup brushes and my favorite: removing and organizing the pictures on her phone. 

My phone has been telling me for well over 50 weeks that it doesn't have enough memory to back it up. 
I keep putting it off and off and off. 
This month I'm going to stop putting it off, thanks to Emily, and get those pictures taken care of. 
So without further adieu, here we have my goals for my last full month of summer. 

1. Upload pictures on my phone to my computer

I always want to keep pictures on my phone in case I need them or want to show someone something, but I never do. 
There are tons of pictures that just need removed. 
I need to do a better job of narrowing down the FEW that I keep on my phone. 
The rest can go in their organized folders on Passport backup for my computer. 

2. Get old recipes framed and hung

When we moved in and I was going through things I found my grandma's old recipe book. 
It's basically a small notebook of recipes. 
The pages are so fragile and some are even falling out of it. 
She used that recipe book over and over and over again. 

I found her #1 recipe- chocolate chip cookies
The pages are tattered and you can barely read the recipe. 
And I found a Butterscotch pie recipe. 
My grandma had a dear friend, Ruthie. 
Ruthie was widowed, twice, and didn't have any family in our town, so she became a another grandma to me. 
Ruthie always made butterscotch pie for Christmas. 

I decided to have those two recipes framed. 
I couldn't find a regular frame for them at any store, so I went to our local frame shop and picked out a frame. 

I think the framing should be finished this month, and then I can't wait to hang them up. 
These delicious recipes of my grandma will go in her own house that now is my home. 
What a full circle moment!

3. Organize blog posts for next 2 months

School starts again next month. 
The first thing to go when school gets busy are my blog posts. 
I'm hoping to plan my posts two months out that way I'm not scrounging for ideas at the last minute. 

Now I know I won't be able to write all of the posts that early, but I hope to have ideas written on blog calendar.

I only have 3 goals for this month, but those are three big goals!
I've basically cleaned my house from top to bottom, cleaning closets, registers and washing curtains. 
So I think I'm good on cleaning goals for a while. 

Do you guys have any goals for this month?
It's the last full month of summer for me, so I'm going to cherish the long days and plan to pack in a lot of things getting checked off my list. 


  1. I need to get photos printed and hung as well. I've just had zero motivation. This move has really zapped my energy.

  2. Alright, if you're caught up on cleaning goals, fly on down to Texas and take care of mine! I love planning out my blog posts. I think I have all of my posts planned out for the rest of 2017 just because I thrive on a schedule. I love that you had those recipes framed- that is so sweet and special!
