
Thursday, September 28, 2017

10 Minutes Pilates Butt Workout

Are you looking for a quick yet powerful butt workout?
If so, I've got the workout for you.

One Friday evening I came home not feeling very well.
I caught a beginning of the year cold.
I wanted to workout, but I didn't want to do a cardio workout as I was struggling breathing.

I started off by doing an arm workout, and then I really wanted to do some sort of butt workout, so I scoured YouTube and found this one.

10 Minutes Pilates Butt Workout

It is 10 minutes, but holy moly will you be counting down the seconds.
Hayden Panettiere's Pilates instructor, Heather Dorak, led the workout.
You do simple moves for thirty seconds, first on one leg and then the other, but wow! does it give you a workout.
My butt and legs were shaking and screaming STOP!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What's Up Wednesday: It's Almost October!!

Happy What's Up Wednesday!

At the end of each month MelShay and Sheaffer share 
What's Up Wednesday!!!
We answer a series of questions and one extra one special to that month.
I can't believe another month has come and gone.
Before you know it, it will be the end of the year.

This month we're answering...

What TV show are you most excited about this fall?

What we're eating this week:

It is HOT, HOT, HOT here this week!

We've had chicken, pizza and are slated to have some kielbasa and grilled chicken salads later this week. 
Alex is boycotting anything cooked in the kitchen, so it's the grill or take out.

What I'm reminiscing about:

It's still the beginning of the school year, but we are back in the swing of things now.
Routines have been set, and I've gotten a chance to really get to know my students.
At the beginning of each year I think "Wow we have a lot of work to do!"
This year is no exception.

I love to see how far the students have come from the beginning of 8th grade to the end.
Right now I'm trying to be patient and really teach some basic skills to my new group of students.
They're already making great strides, and I am hoping that by the end of the year they will be another group of mature, responsible 8th graders!

What I'm loving:

The leaves are already starting to turn here.
I think they are actually turning a bit earlier than normal.
I've been enjoying the beautiful pops of red, orange and yellow on the trees.
Now I just can't wait until I get to wear a scarf and see those pops of color!

What we've been up to:

Last weekend Alex and I took a little day trip to have lunch by the river. 

We arrived at this little college town, walked around, ate by the river, got some dessert and a fresh bouquet of flowers for my mama's birthday!

What I'm dreading:

The thing I'm dreading right now may seem a bit funny, but it couldn't be more true.
We live in a very rural area, and I head to work when it's still super dark.
The deer have started running, and I'm really dreading the next two months when my 40 minute drive to work is spent scanning the sides of the road for these running creatures.

Last week I already saw one deer just waiting on the right side of the road ready to dart across.
There have been more and more animals hit on the road, so I need to remind myself to slow down and really watch in the common areas where I know there are typically deer crossing.

What I'm working on:

I can't wait to launch my little travel agency business next week.
I've been working on business needs and getting everything set and ready to go.

I will still continue teaching, but I love love love helping people travel.
It's so fun and exciting to me, and I want to help take the stress away from other people.

What I'm excited about:

This month is going to be super busy!
I'm excited for:

-Fair Break-
We get two days off of school because so many of our students take animals to the fair.
Go ahead and laugh. If you're from the city, then you are definitely going to think I'm crazy!
Beyond the two days off, we will still have some kids who won't come to school all week.
I'm hoping that's not the case because it's really hard to get things done when you have half of your class!

-Fall Trip to NYC-
Ever since Alex and I got engaged in Central Park a couple of years ago, we have returned to enjoy another weekend in the city.
This year is no exception, except we actually get an extended time in the city.
I'm so excited for everything that we have planned!
Crossing items off of our my Bucket List!

-8th Grade DC Trip-
Each fall our 8th graders take a trip to our nation's capital.
At first the trip is a blast; it's so great to see all of the monuments again, but after two straight days with them, the excitement starts to wear off.
Here's to hoping that the students will be responsible and good listeners!

What I'm watching/reading:

Next week will be my Book Review from August and September.

I Am Malala

One of Us is Lying

Alex and Eliza 

will all be on my list to share.

What I'm listening to:

All week long I'm listening to the chatter, whisper and shouts of 7th and 8th graders. 
This is one time of the year where I simply enjoy any quiet time. 
7th and 8th graders LOVE to talk, so there's no lack of listening there.

What I'm wearing:

At the beginning of the month I was pulling out some fall gear like my military jacket, gray jeans and white tee. 

Along with my blush jeans and lots of black cardigans.

Then, we got a pop of summer again, so I started wearing bright colors, dresses
and sleeveless tops again!

Here's my Friday look at school. 
We have cool match Reading shirts, even though I don't know the reference.  

I've also been loving these slip on shoes in black. 
I have them in a neutral cream, but these went great with my black and white theme on Friday!

What I'm doing this weekend:

This weekend we will be visiting the Big Apple!
Hello, Manhattan, the Today Show, Live With Kelly and Megyn Kelly!

What I'm looking forward to next month:

I'm looking forward to all of the travelling that I will get to do in October!

What else is new:

It's the beginning of the school year, so there's not much time for anything else beside planning, grading and going to school.

What TV show are you most excited about this fall?:

I'm the wrong person to ask this question.
I don't watch TV like ever.
The only time I enjoy some TV time is watching the 5 o'clock news on some mornings or watching the Steelers play.
Otherwise, you might as well count me out.
The TV show I wish I was watching every week is Fixer Upper.
I'm so sad that they announced this will be the last season, and I also wish I could stay awake late enough to catch their weekly show.

Happy Last Couple Days of September!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Show and Tell: Reverse Bucket List!

Happy Happy Tuesday!
It's a Show and Tell kind of Tuesday!

Andrea from Momfessionals has a linkup two Tuesday's a month. 

Today's topic is your Reverse Bucket List-What's Crossed Off. 

If you're interested in linking up later on or what to see what the topics were so far this year, check out the graphic below. 

I really had to start thinking about items that I've crossed off of my bucket list. 
After thinking about this, I think I need to start an actual Bucket List where I cross items off as I go. 
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I had a list like that one time, but I'm not sure where it is, so I really should find it. 
Here are some items that I'm sure were at one time on my Bucket List:

Run a Marathon

First I dreamed of running a half, and then after I ran several of those I got the crazy idea to run a FULL MARATHON!

This was no small task. 
I decided to start training in the winter because I felt like that would be easier than training through summer. 
Summer isn't terrible here, but my body doesn't do well in heat, so I know I'm best to run in cooler, even cold weather. 
The winter I decided to start training was pretty intense. 
We had A LOT of snow and ice. 
There were a couple of days that I really couldn't even run on certain roads, so I had to come home and finish my runs on the treadmill. 
That never happens!
I hate the dreadmill!
If I'm running on the dreadmill then you know it must be below -10 or super super slick out. 

Running in the winter is actually my favorite season to run. 
I love bundling up, lacing up my shoes and running in the middle of the road during a snow storm. 
I did just that many times throughout my training, and then my body just said "NO!"
Pre-race I hadn't run for 5 weeks!!
My body had had enough, so I cross trained before the race, which made me a nervous wreck because I believe the best way to prepare for a race is by running not biking or being on the elliptical. 

I made it 26.2 miles!
I refused to give up!
I made it to the finish line!
Thanks to this sweet pacer who helped me make it to the end as I was dwindling come mile 22.

It wasn't the time I wanted, but I did make it. 
One day I hope to run another one; however, I'm a bit hesitant as it messed up my knee, and basically from all of my years of running I have thinning cartilage that really can only be fixed by surgery, and I'm not interested in that. 
So, for now, I will continue with enjoying the regular ordinary daily run!

Get Engaged in NYC

I would be amiss if I didn't mention that I definitely secretly wanted to get engaged in NYC. 
Alex played it off like he wasn't going to propose there, but after nearly running through Central Park, we made it to a rock near Sheep Meadow and he popped the question. 

Here we are at a waterfall where he was going to propose; however, there were too many people around.

Get Married on the Beach

I always dreamed of getting married on the beach, and even better yet getting married beside clear water. 
All of my dreams came true in Marathon, Florida. 
The Courtyard Marriott was BEAUTIFUL!
Here it is a year and a half ago. 
My understanding is that it's still standing and open for business. 
Just one key later- Big Pine Key appeared to be pretty battered. 
I enjoyed the Keys so much; we've even been back once more since our wedding. 

Go On a Cruise

We've now been on two cruises. 
One for our honeymoon and one for a summer getaway. 
One was on Royal Caribbean and one was on Carnival. 
Both were Caribbean getaways, and we figured out that we ARE cruise people!
We loved our cruises and are planning a third at the moment!

Visit Mexico

Last summer we got to take our first trip to Mexico with a group of friends. 
It was beautiful, and we'd love to go back again. 
While I think it's on our list, we have another tropical location on tap for next summer.

Still awaiting my Bucket List are:
Have babies
Visit the Live with Kelly show
Go on a carriage ride in Central Park
Run in Central Park
Go on a Norwegian Cruise
Go on an Alaskan Cruise
Visit Paris

The list is still waiting, and hopefully some of those items will be crossed off sooner rather than later!
I can't wait to check out everyone else's posts to see what all I forgot. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Favorites: Lilly Pulitzer Sale Items, Booties, Summer Flowers

Hello there Friday!
I'm in need of a Friday right about now.
School has really been kicking my behind this week.
Thank goodness for Friday and some short weeks in the near future!
As always, I'm linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea
We're sharing our favorites from the week.
Grab their graphic and linkup with your favorites from the week, too.

Lilly Pulitzer Sale Items

I participated in the Lilly Pulitzer Semi-Annual sale for the first time ever. 
The sale goes live at 8 am; however, at that time I'm teaching a class. 
So, I didn't get to browse the sale until about 4 pm. 
I was so happy to find a lot of the items still in stock!

Alex was actually kind enough to quickly join the wait when he got home. 
So, actually, by the time I got home we were in to shop. 
I tried on a pair of Lilly shorts at Marshall's in the summer, and they were too big, so thankfully I had that sizing reference. 
Even though I love the shorts, I didn't order any because I was afraid they wouldn't fit (too big).
Instead I stocked up on dresses. 

A couple weeks later we were able to stop at a Lilly store and I was correct in my prediction on the shorts. 
All of their shorts are too big. 
What a bummer-they suggested I try on girls, but I opted not. 
I'm very please with the fit of all of my dresses.
I got so many compliments at school. 
I'm usually choose gray or black tops, so everyone was so surprised to see me in this dress!

 I can't wait for the next sale in January!


I love a good deal and clothes and shoes.
I couldn't keep myself from buying some more booties the other week.
They were on sale at Nordstrom's and were one of my favorite brands, so I ordered two pairs.

These ones they didn't have in stock in a 7, and I read the reviews and people were saying they ran small, so I ordered a 7.5.
I'm still not sure if they will work.
They fit but aren't really snug, and I feel that a more snug pair would work better for the height of these booties.
I've been stocking them online, as they now are on super sale and to see if they have my real size.


I've been wanting a pair of black booties for a while now.
I'm a Lucky shoe fan.
They seem to fit tight and are comfortable.
When I'm teaching all day and come home to run or workout I need shoes that are comfy.
When I saw these ones that had been on my "Like" list on sale I took the plunge and ordered them too.


Fall Festival

Over the weekend my mom invited me to go to a nearby fall festival. 
It's located at an outdoor park, so we walked around the vendors and had some great food. 
All of the desserts looked amazing!!
Apple Fritters caught my eye, so we indulged. 
I had a picture of the fried goodness topped with tons of powdered sugar, but I think it accidentally got deleted. 

Goodbye Flowers

This has been a summer favorite!
I enjoyed once again growing some of my flowers from seed, watching them sprout and then thrive during the summer months. 
I'm so sad to see them go, but I'm enjoying every last warm, sunny day with them!

These beautiful geraniums were sown in seed in January while I was watching the Steelers play!
Some nine months later in September I'm watching the Steelers play and enjoying them outside of my living room windows!

Alex saw one hummer this week. 
I filled up my feeders for what I believe will be the last time. 
They sure are neat little creatures, and I will miss their beauty over the winter months. 

I've already had to pull up these impatiens grown from seed. 
I know it hasn't frosted yet, even though it has been in the 40's on some mornings, but my impatiens died quick. 
All of the blooms fell off, and I was left with bare stems. 

My calibrochoa are starting to turn for the worst. 
These are my favorite flowers ever!
I love the peach color too!

 This was my first hanging basket. 
It suddenly started to turn one week and by two weeks later it was nearly completely dead.

 I found a replacement for hanging basket #1 and now have hanging basket #2
It sure was beautiful but is also starting to fade away.

Summer Like Weather

Guys, it was so cold that we had to put the winter blanket on our bed and turn on the furnace a couple weeks ago. 
This week did a 180, and now we could have the air conditioning on. 
It has been in the 80's and could even hit 90 this weekend. 

I'm loving the summer weather, but boy do I need a haircut. 
My hair doesn't love the humidity. 

All of this sunshine and warm weather has me reminiscing about summer pool days. 
It's too bad that most pools in our area are now closed.

Here's to hoping you have a great weekend!
Next week we have a field trip and the students are off on Friday!
The teachers get a professional day, and then it's Fair Break!