
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Show and Tell: Reverse Bucket List!

Happy Happy Tuesday!
It's a Show and Tell kind of Tuesday!

Andrea from Momfessionals has a linkup two Tuesday's a month. 

Today's topic is your Reverse Bucket List-What's Crossed Off. 

If you're interested in linking up later on or what to see what the topics were so far this year, check out the graphic below. 

I really had to start thinking about items that I've crossed off of my bucket list. 
After thinking about this, I think I need to start an actual Bucket List where I cross items off as I go. 
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I had a list like that one time, but I'm not sure where it is, so I really should find it. 
Here are some items that I'm sure were at one time on my Bucket List:

Run a Marathon

First I dreamed of running a half, and then after I ran several of those I got the crazy idea to run a FULL MARATHON!

This was no small task. 
I decided to start training in the winter because I felt like that would be easier than training through summer. 
Summer isn't terrible here, but my body doesn't do well in heat, so I know I'm best to run in cooler, even cold weather. 
The winter I decided to start training was pretty intense. 
We had A LOT of snow and ice. 
There were a couple of days that I really couldn't even run on certain roads, so I had to come home and finish my runs on the treadmill. 
That never happens!
I hate the dreadmill!
If I'm running on the dreadmill then you know it must be below -10 or super super slick out. 

Running in the winter is actually my favorite season to run. 
I love bundling up, lacing up my shoes and running in the middle of the road during a snow storm. 
I did just that many times throughout my training, and then my body just said "NO!"
Pre-race I hadn't run for 5 weeks!!
My body had had enough, so I cross trained before the race, which made me a nervous wreck because I believe the best way to prepare for a race is by running not biking or being on the elliptical. 

I made it 26.2 miles!
I refused to give up!
I made it to the finish line!
Thanks to this sweet pacer who helped me make it to the end as I was dwindling come mile 22.

It wasn't the time I wanted, but I did make it. 
One day I hope to run another one; however, I'm a bit hesitant as it messed up my knee, and basically from all of my years of running I have thinning cartilage that really can only be fixed by surgery, and I'm not interested in that. 
So, for now, I will continue with enjoying the regular ordinary daily run!

Get Engaged in NYC

I would be amiss if I didn't mention that I definitely secretly wanted to get engaged in NYC. 
Alex played it off like he wasn't going to propose there, but after nearly running through Central Park, we made it to a rock near Sheep Meadow and he popped the question. 

Here we are at a waterfall where he was going to propose; however, there were too many people around.

Get Married on the Beach

I always dreamed of getting married on the beach, and even better yet getting married beside clear water. 
All of my dreams came true in Marathon, Florida. 
The Courtyard Marriott was BEAUTIFUL!
Here it is a year and a half ago. 
My understanding is that it's still standing and open for business. 
Just one key later- Big Pine Key appeared to be pretty battered. 
I enjoyed the Keys so much; we've even been back once more since our wedding. 

Go On a Cruise

We've now been on two cruises. 
One for our honeymoon and one for a summer getaway. 
One was on Royal Caribbean and one was on Carnival. 
Both were Caribbean getaways, and we figured out that we ARE cruise people!
We loved our cruises and are planning a third at the moment!

Visit Mexico

Last summer we got to take our first trip to Mexico with a group of friends. 
It was beautiful, and we'd love to go back again. 
While I think it's on our list, we have another tropical location on tap for next summer.

Still awaiting my Bucket List are:
Have babies
Visit the Live with Kelly show
Go on a carriage ride in Central Park
Run in Central Park
Go on a Norwegian Cruise
Go on an Alaskan Cruise
Visit Paris

The list is still waiting, and hopefully some of those items will be crossed off sooner rather than later!
I can't wait to check out everyone else's posts to see what all I forgot. 


  1. I love this reverse bucket list, so fun! Also, you are a rockstar! Time doesn't matter when you are completing a marathon, all that matters is that you finished. Well done! :)

  2. Getting engaged in NYC sounds like a dream, and your wedding was gorgeous. A cruise and Mexico are both on my bucket list!
