
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Back to School Q&A

Hey all!
I hope you had a great extended weekend!

It was so nice to sleep in and get some things done around the house. 
We went shopping and out for lunch on Saturday to celebrate getting old-turning 27!
The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning, decorating for fall and just enjoying life. 

Yesterday I read Allie's awesome Back to School Q&A. 
I decided that I liked it so much that I would post mine today. 

1) Did you love school or hate it? LOVED it! I used to come home from school and play teacher in the basement. I loved it so much that I had multiple chalkboards, students desks and an overhead projectors in my basement!

2) Start school before or after Labor Day? Before. This year we started August 14! Yuck! But that just means all the shorter time until it's summer again!

3) Wake up: eager beaver or slow poke? Eager Beaver!! I love mornings and am ready to go as soon as my alarm goes off!

4) Favorite breakfast? Over medium eggs, cranberry juice and fresh wheat bread

5) Favorite cereal? NONE! I'm not a cereal person. I'm hungry an hour after eating it, so I just don't eat it.

6) School uniform or no uniform? I've never had a uniform and they're pretty lax on what we teachers wear to school now. 

7) New outfit for first day or no? Nowadays we usually wear a staff shirt on the first day, but I typically have a newer outfit to wear. As a student I always had a couple nice new outfits to start off the year.

8) Walk to school or ride the bus? K-8 I rode the bus. 9-12 I walked through a field that had a little path mowed out of it and another block to school. I loved walking to school in the mornings. Sometimes I'd even end up with a little grasshopper on my shirt or shoes.

9) Backpack, tote, or messenger bag? I always had a backpack growing up, but now I have more of a tote. Last school year I made myself get a smaller tote, so that I would quite bringing home so much work. It's awesome because now I know that I have to get it done because I'm not working for 9 hours and then coming home to work for a couple more.

10) Eat school lunch or pack lunch? Packer! I find it so much cheaper to pack your lunch and the food it so much more healthier.

11) Remember the little milk cartons? White or chocolate? Chocolate!

12) Paper bag or lunch box? Lunch box!

13) Favorite thing to do at recess? Play house!

14) Favorite back to school supply item? Trapper Keeper- who remembers the big ole trapper keepers?! I die when I see my students carrying them around. They are just so big and bulky!

15) Chalkboard or dry erase board? Dry erase

16) Regular pencil or mechanical? Either or

17) Homework right after school or after dinner? Right when you get home!

18) Favorite after school snack? Fruit

19) Favorite after school show? Full House or Arthur

20) Favorite subject in school? Reading

21) Least favorite school subject? Science

22) Name of your best friend in high school? Kelsy

23) High school mascot type? Braves (Indian)

24) SAT or ACT? ACT

25) Favorite year in school? Sophomore

26) Class ring or no class ring? Another ring to replace a class ring because I knew I wouldn't wear a class ring later in life.

27) Attend or not attend high school reunions? We have yet to have one. Next Spring will be 10 years out of school! Wow I feel old!

To see how everyone else responded, click here

Here's a little look at the rest of the September linkups. 

Have a great Monday Tuesday!
I will be back tomorrow with a super easy Stromboli recipe!


  1. So glad you're not bringing home as much work! Try to leave it all at school!

  2. I remember trapper keepers. So crazy how we forget things and then these questions makes you remember them. I don't like cereal either!

  3. We always started school early too! Well before Labor Day and I loved it because we got out earlier.
