
Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Favorites: Inspiring Bloggers

Hello Friday!
I'm jumping back in today on something that I thought I might give up.
I have been absent on this little online space for quite a while.
It's funny to me that last summer I was posting nearly every day, and then this summer I was totally non-existent.

I added a side business to my regular full-time job, and even though I had the summer off, I just didn't get to blogging.
Sometimes things have to fall off of your plate, and I really enjoyed getting the chance to regroup and get my priorities straight.
I don't have intentions to blog everyday, and sometimes it might only be once a week, but I get such great ideas from this community that I'm not packing it up yet.

So...with that said, I'm excited for my favorite day of the week...FRIDAY!!
This day takes on a whole new meaning at the beginning of a school year!

I'm linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea
We're sharing our favorites from the week.
Grab their graphic and linkup with your favorites from the week, too!

Today I've decided to share my top five bloggers. 

A couple years ago, well probably quite a few years ago I started finding these blogs and it was the inspiration of these ladies that made me want to start my own!

At the time I was a brand-new teacher, commuting to work, coaching two sports and working on additional coursework and Master's. 
I barely had time to breathe, but somehow it's during those busiest times that I'm the most productive. 
I can vividly remember waking up early, sometimes 3-4 am to grade extra papers, and if I got lucky in the winter we would have a delay or snow day. 
With those extra hours I started creating a blog. 
I designed it all myself, so I'm definitely not ready to give up the original look. 
It's not fancy by any means, but I worked so hard to make it, and it took such courage to actually post something on it. 
This space will probably only ever be a little space for me to document my day-to-day life but I'm totally A-Okay with that. 

I'm so thankful that these ladies paved the path for me to believe in myself enough to jump in.

So here we have my top five bloggers in no-particular order...

Mix and Match Mama-Shay 

Visit Shay's blog here.

Shay's blog was probably the first one that I ever found. 
She is wonder woman!
I never seem to comprehend how she can do so many things and be good at all of them. 
She's a great role model, and I love her passion for the Lord. 
Her blog is one of my first stop for so many recipes, travel, decorating and fashion!
I always love seeing what's in her closet, so I chose one of her latest great suggestions to feature below!

Hi Sugarplum-Cassie 

Visit Cassie's blog here

I love how down to earth Cassie is. 
I swear that anytime I have ever messaged her to compliment an outfit or ask a question that she has responded as sweet as ever!
I just love that she has great style and does it with such grace and humility. 


Sheaffer Told Me To-Sheaffer

Visit Sheaffer's blog here

Sheaffer is your go-to gal for fashion!
I seriously don't even know how she find such good stuff at such great prices. 
She is on my go-to list for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and during the holiday season. 
I know I can trust Sheaffer's advice and love how detailed she is with her descriptions of clothing. 
You will notice that Sheaffer is wearing the same top as Shay was above, just in a different color. 
Thanks to these ladies I have two of these sweaters in my drawer waiting for fall to arrive!


You can visit Andrea's blog here

I love this picture below because it describes Andrea to me. 
She is the best mom. 
She is so so so creative and always has the best ideas for holidays, fun at home, fun with your kids or ideas for the classroom. 
The fact that she's a middle school teacher is only icing on the cake. 
I love how real she is and her great do-it yourself projects!

A Little Bit of Everything-Erika

You can visit Erika's blog here

Erika always makes me laugh.  
I chose the picture below because I love her style. 
She looks good in everything.
I love that she manages four kids with her husband being away so often for work and football.
Just the other day she took all of her kids to a football game by herself and it ended up storming. 
I don't have any kids and the idea of that scares me!
I love that Erika used to be a teacher and seems so sweet and caring towards kids!

So there you have it. 
The ladies that inspired ME!
So many great ladies with such different yet similar blogs. 
I could only hope that one day I could talk to each and every one of them and thank them for their inspiration!
These ladies led me to so many other great blogs that I visit daily, weekly, monthly!
What a neat world we live in, where you can live in one spot and feel like you know someone on the opposite side of the country!
Have a fantastic FRIDAY!
Hope to see you all soon!


  1. Thanks for sharing these! I'm definitely going to check them out!

  2. Shay, Erika, & Andrea are 3 of my favorite bloggers too! They inspire me so much!
