Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday Favorites: Beginning of November

Hooray for Friday!
Today I'm linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea to share some Friday Favorites!

 I love all of the Christmas decorations that I'm finding in stores!
And the Christmas music on the radio! Holly, Channel 17 on XM came back on Wednesday night at 5. You better believe I was listening to Christmas music by 5:30 on my way home.

Two weekends ago I had a gift certificate for a massage that would expire real soon. So, we set off for a fun Saturday. After our massage Alex wanted to take me to two places. First stop, Starbucks. I'm not a coffee gal, but I will enjoy some fancy flavors on occasion.

 Stop #2-Pandora's Cupcakes
I've always loved cupcakes, and my pumpkin spice one did not disappoint

 I saw these earrings in Macy's while we were in the Pentagon City mall. 
I think I need them for the holiday season!

I used to coach cross country, and the team still uses my room on Friday afternoons for their team meetings. 
I walked into my classroom on Monday to find a surprise!
Everything was cleared off of my desk and nearly every sign was turned upside down.
If you know me, you know I'm a bit OCD. I like everything in its place. I had to laugh at how much work the team went to to put me off my game. 
I left most of the mess for my 8th graders to help clean up.
They thought it was hilarious when they were looking at the schedule and couldn't read what time the class ended.

Books found on random shelves

Have a great weekend!
I'm excited for a relaxing one with no plans!


  1. I love Kate Spade!! It is my favorite!

  2. Those Kate Spade earrings are perfct for the holidays. Jess at Just Jess

  3. Starbucks, cupcakes, massages & Kate Spade earrings all in one post... we need to be friends. ;) And what a nice job they did on your classroom. It makes me a bit twitchy just looking at the pictures. Ha!

  4. Those cupcakes!!! YUM! gg
