
Monday, January 30, 2017

What To Do..With Clothes

What to Do...with Clothes?

Today I want to chat about what you guys do with clothes that you no longer love, have outgrown, are out of style or just want to get rid of?

When I was younger my mom used to have a yard sale every year.
That required staying up late pricing things and getting up early to get everything organized. 
I think it's the staying up late part that I despised, but I have no desire to ever have a yard sale. 
It seemed like so much unorganized work that I really cringe at yard sales. 

So, I'm trying to figure out what to do with my leftover clothes. 

Clothes Mentor

Sometimes I take my clothes to the nearest Clothes Mentor. 
If you don't have one, it's a resale store for women's clothing. 

Take your clothes in a laundry basket or tote. 
They rummage through them taking pieces they'd liked to buy. 
You can stay in store or leave and have them call you. 
This is a great option to get a little cost, but the problem I run into is that my clothes are too small. 

Particularly, they don't really accept size 0, so they tell me to take it to Plato's Closet, the teen resale, and there they tell me it's not the right style. 

I'm in a Catch 22. 
I can sell a few tops, which is nice, but this place isn't exactly close, so it's not too convenient. 


Encore is another retail store, but from what I understand it's like the older retail shops. 
Again, you take your items in a laundry basket/ tote or here they really love items hung on hangers. 
They look through them immediately and decide which pieces to choose. 
They price the items, and IF they sale, you get about 50% of the profit.

I think they keep the items for 3 months and after that they are donated if you don't go back and pick them up. 

People thought I would have more luck selling clothes here, but again, they told me the problem was most of them were too small.
This store isn't very convenient as well.


After not having the best luck with the resale stores, I searched online. 
Poshmark allows you to take pictures of your items and post them on their site. 
You list the original price and what you are selling it for. 
People can like your posts or ask questions. 
I haven't had much luck with it, but it's always an option.


If the quality of an item isn't good or I know it just won't sell, I will drop it off at our local Goodwill. 
It's quick, easy and convenient. 

So, I'm wondering what do you guys do with your clothes when you are done with them?
I'm fine with paying a price for something if I know I will use it over and over, but I hate to just throw something away.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Favorites: Goodbye January

It's the last Friday in January!
This month seemed very long, which is a pleasant surprise. 
Most months seem to fly by these days, so I'm glad to enjoy a nice long month. 
I tried to soak in every moment of the new year. 
Today I'm linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea for some Friday Favorites. 
Grab their graphic and linkup with your favorites from the week.


This is a favorite from last Friday. 
I wouldn't describe myself as being very political.
I really don't know who does what, but we watched the inauguration in my classorom on Friday. 
As President Trump raised his right hand to take the oath of office one of my students stood up and turned to the rest of the class and said "stand up!"

I was so proud of him for taking that leap of faith and being a great leader. 
It gave me goosebumps to see such a bold act of leadership. 
The students watched and listened and when President Trump was done, they all applauded and sat down. 

There's a lot of contention with this election, but I was proud to see a great shining moment in my week. 

Favorite Winter Workout Gear

I shared my Favorite Winter Workout Gear on Monday.
 If you are looking for some accessories to your winter run, check out my suggestions here

Show and Tell Tuesday

Tuesday started off strong with Andrea's first Show and Tell Tuesday of 2017.
 We shared how we SAVE and SPLURGE in our households!
You can checkout my post here
And if you are looking for even more ideas, catch the whole linkup here


We went to our local Amish Country over the weekend. 
We used some gift certificates and got some meat and cheese. 
We walked up further than we normally do to have lunch at a little restaurant.
On our way we saw a sign for cupcakes!!
I had to stop in. 
This little shop tucked around back had these super cute cupcakes!
They had been there for 4 years, and I had no clue!

I got s'mores! yum!

And Alex got salted caramel!

James Harrison 

Last Sunday night was not a great night. 
My favorite team-the Steelers-didn't make it the Super Bowl. 
I grew up watching the Steelers with my dad when I was younger. 
I've grown to love it more and more with each year. 

This guy right here is my favorite! 
I used to be a Polamalu fan. 
He gave 100% and was always on top of his game.
However, this Ohio native and Kent State alum (just like me!) might have taken his place. 
There's no one who works out as hard or as much as this guy. 
After the game the week before they landed in PA around 4 and he went straight to the 4 AM!!! Right after they just played a game that started at 8 PM!


He's the guy I'd want on my team!

I was so happy to see this post earlier in the week! 
He's coming back for more!
Can't wait for 2017-2018 season!

This weekend we are gearing up for some rest and relaxation!
Everyone at school is getting sick, so I'm going to try to boost my immune system and just enjoy the simple winter days!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Show and Tell: How to Save

Yesterday was the first day of Andrea's Show and Tell Tuesday for 2017.
I enjoyed this linkup SO much last year. 
I don't plan to normally post on Tuesday's; however, I will linkup from time to time with her.
Unfortunately, Monday was a super busy day, and I just didn't get my post completed. 

If you're interested, grab her graphic below, blog and linkup.

 Check out the new schedule and topics here!
The topics are just SO fun!

Today we're sharing

How we SAVE and what we SPLURGE On

When I saw this topic, I was so excited!
If you didn't see my post last Wednesday, I blogged about using coupons and saving here

So, to recap a little and add in some new. 
We save by:

Buying Off-Brand Items

We don't eat a lot of chips, but we really enjoy the off brand of tortilla chips and vegetable chips. 

Using Coupons

I enjoy printing coupons and scouring the local Sunday paper for coupons. 
I only cut/print what I know I will use. 
My mom on the other hand has so many coupons and none of them are organized or at least not in a fashion that would work for me. 
I guess I got the coupon gene honestly, but I'm very picky on which ones I use. 
I won't buy something just to use a coupon, but if I know I will use that item, even if it's months down the road, I will buy it. 
I love stocking up on paper towels, toilet paper, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.

Using Saving Apps

I've been using Receipt Hog and the Walmart Savings App for over a year. 
Receipt Hog lets you earn money for receipts that you take a picture of and upload. 
The Savings App let's you earn $ for Walmart after comparing your recent receipt to other local stores. 

Dining In/Packing Our Lunches

I grew up rarely eating out. 
It was always a nice treat to go out for our birthday or a special event. 
We always just made dinner and enjoyed time around the dinner table eating dinner together every night. 
Thankfully, my husband enjoys that too. 
We're working on getting a menu system down, but we enjoy eating dinner and watching the news each night. 

In addition, we both eat breakfast at home and pack out lunches. 
Our grocery bill seems a bit high, but we make every meal ourselves!

Buying in Bulk or On Sale Items

We technically have three freezers in our home. 
One of those is a large deep freezer. 
I, too, grew up with all the meat you could ever want in your freezer. 
When I wanted ground beef, I walked to the freezer in the basement and got ground beef. 
Luckily, we scored my grandma's deep freezer. 
We store chicken, ground beef, butter, shredded cheese and bread in it. 
I love buying lots of things when they are on sale, and then using it as we go.
I seriously have no idea how I would ever live with only the freezer portion of a refrigerator/freezer. 

We splurge on:

Nice Furniture

Our house isn't large by any means, and I'd rather save for a nice piece of furniture that I will enjoy for a while than one that's not going to last very long.

Laundry Detergent

This is one of those things that I've been trying to figure out for a while. 
I've really struggled with the right laundry detergent. 
I used to buy what I could find coupons for; however, my clothes weren't staying clean. 
With running, my clothes need a good washing. 
I've opted for the Oxi Clean detergent. 
It's made my clothes stay smelling clean the longest. 


This might seem strange, but I basically refuse to eat waffles without this syrup. 
It's sold at like one store near us, but that must have been where my mom always shopped. 
I moved in after getting married and threw my waffles away after putting some random syrup that my husband had on them. 
We now have 2 kinds of syrup in our pantry! :)
And I rarely eat waffles anymore, but I can't spare not having my Golden Griddle.


I'm a big fan of oatmeal! 
I eat it probably 5 mornings a week. 
I know this probably isn't the most healthful kind, but I love Quaker Oatmeal.
I've tried off-brand, but it's just not as good!
Strawberry and Peach Quaker Oatmeal are my daily go-to's!

So, that's a little snapshot of our world.
I can't wait to read up on everyone else's list.
I seriously might read through every single person who linked up.
Have a great middle of the week! :)

Monday, January 23, 2017

Workout Faves

Today is all about my favorite things when working out. 
Last week I posted a Week of Workouts. 
I gave you a glimpse of workouts in my world. 
If you missed it click here

Today, I'm doing to give you a glimpse into some of my favorite workout attire.
I think I will show you my winter favorites now, and then when the weather breaks, for those of us who live where we experience all 4 seasons, I will show you my spring/summer faves.

For winter I usually have the following items:
Base Layer/Long-Sleeved Shirt
Sweatshirt/Zip Up
Neck Warmer

Winter Favorites

Under Armour Base Layers

I'm very biased toward Under Armour when looking for spandex/base layers. 
I think I've tried all brands, but when it is downright freezing out, there are what you need to put on!
I mentioned these in a post before, but I'll note on it again. 
They come in both tops and bottoms. 
I have both. 
I love that they aren't the regular spandex material, which is freezing to the touch when it's 10 degrees out. 
These are soft and cozy.
They are expensive, but they're worth it!
I buy most of mine at a Factory Store, so they are on sale even more. 

I went to the UnderArmour website and found the 2.0, 3.0, 4.0.

As the level increases so does the warmth. 

Here's the 2.0 for $54.99

3.0 for $74.99.

4.0 for $84.99.

And the tops...
Sorry for a back view. I couldn't get the front to save. 

2.0 for $64.99.
This one has a hood. 
I don't have one like that, but it might be useful!

3.0 for $74.99.

4.0 for $84.99.

I've never paid that much, but I couldn't find them on their Factory Store to link to them for you. 
Check any local Under Armour stores that are near you!
I think they're totally worth the money. 
I've had mine for like 10 years. 
I don't wear them regularly, so they really last. 
Usually I don't wear them by themselves, either. 
I will throw a pair on and then throw a pair of regular workout pants over top and head out to run. 
If you're looking for a base layer for when it's 10 degrees and below, check one of these out!

Nike Long Sleeve Tops

I layer everything in the winter. 
I usually start with a thick base layer like above for when it's super cold. 
If it's 30-50 degrees I usually where one of the following as a layer underneath a sweatshirt/zip-up. 

This is a regular Nike top. 
I can't find the ones that I have because they're so old, but the ones I love are lined. 
The material is much thicker than a regular top. 

Last Layer

Once I have my base layer, I put on a sweatshirt of zip-up.

The one below looks exactly like my favorite half zip. 
It's so old, like probably 10 years, but I love it!
It's gray and has thumb holes and is made of a thicker material.
It fits nicely over other layers and keeps me warm!


Unfortunately, I can't find either of the pair of gloves that I wear. 
Most of my apparel I buy and stick with, so lots of items are probably now near 10 years old. 
The thing I love is that these items have lasted. 

I wear a more basic pair of gloves when it's 30-50 degrees. 
My pair are Under Armour, and they have the little cloth piece at the end of each of the pointer fingers to wipe your nose. 
That might sound disgusting, but I love that about them. 
It's cold, windy, rainy, etc. 
I wipe my nose all of the time!

I love my gloves so much that I actually dropped them at a cross country invitational when I was coaching and back tracked my steps and confronted a man who had them on!!
Yes, he had them on!
I can't remember what he said, but he did admit that he found them (and maybe stretched them out because they were too small for a man) but thankfully I got them back!
They're my favorite.

And when it's super cold, typically 20 and below I double up. 
I wear the above gloves and a pair like these. 
Now, mine are Nike, but I can't find them.
See the pattern?
They're bigger and bulkier and warmer.
Perfect for those frigid days.

Now, I've searched and searched for the best gloves. I bought some internationally because they were supposed to be super warm, and they weren't!I use the double up system until I find one pair that are super duper warm!


The headband I wear is super basic.
It looks nearly identical to this.
It's just enough to cover my ears and keep the wind out.
I never wear a different headband than this. 

Neck Warmer

I got this as a gift a few years ago. 
Until then, I didn't run with anything covering my neck more than my sweatshirt or zip up.
I love to run when it's actually snowing, so this works perfectly. 
In addition, it's added warmth on a cold day. 
Mine seems like it's a little longer. 
There's a portion that has lighter fabric that you can pull up over your nose and mouth. 
It's, again, great for those frigid days!

Those are a few of my favorite winter items!
Do you guys have a favorite? 
I'm always on the prowl for tried and true workout gear!!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Favorites

This week has seemed to draaag by.
I'm so glad that the weekend is here!
Today I'm linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea for some Friday Favorites. 
Grab their graphic and linkup with your favorites from the week.

Spring Winter Cleaning

Last weekend I got my spring winter cleaning on!
You know, the weather hasn't even been bad here lately, but I think I'm going to try to do my spring cleaning every winter. 
Something got in me last weekend, and I started cleaning hardcore!
I wanted to wipe down the inside of our kitchen cabinets, so I did all of the top cabinets one evening and the bottoms the next day. 
I take a quick picture, take everything out, wipe them out with a rag dipped in water and rung out really well, and then I put everything right back in it's spot!
Then, I wiped all of the counter tops and the floor. 
A week or so ago I had pulled the fridge out and cleaned behind and on top of it. 
So that was already done.

There are a few pieces of furniture that we can't get a sweeper or broom under, so I wiped under them with a rag as well.
I really love everything clean, and I love being outdoors. 
So, I plan to get all spring cleaning out of the way during winter and when spring time rolls around, voila! I'm done!


 I'm through with grading essays. 
Last week we finished explanatory essays. 
I love teaching, but man grading essays can be a huge hurdle to jump. 
I stayed on top of it, and got this all graded in a couple days. 

Guardian Cleaner

I came home from work last week to find a little spot on our couch. 
Now, we don't have kids or any pets, so I have no idea where this stain came from or what it was. 
I called the store where we bought the couch, and our salesman wasn't in, so the lady told me to buy Renewzit and use that. 
Thankfully, Walmart didn't have it when I looked for it the next morning. 
Our salesman called us back, and told us we had the protection plan, which I knew and tried to tell the lady, and that all we needed to do was contact the company for a cleaner. 
I called Guardian, and they said if we had used the Renewzit that it would have VOIDED our protection plan. 
Moral of the story: Only listen to your salesman!
Thankfully, the store didn't have it, so I didn't use it, and they sent us a sample kit to try to remove the stain. 
Unfortunately the protection plan doesn't cover unknown stains, and we had no idea what it was.
Fortunately, the sample cleaner worked!!!

Week of Workouts

Earlier in the week I shared a week of my workouts.
I don't know much about the science behind, but I love to workout. 
I just don't feel like myself if I don't do it regularly. 
Check last week's workouts here

Clip It

I enjoy using a few apps and good ole old fashioned coupons on a regular basis to save some money!!
Click here to check out my favorite apps and where I look to find my coupons.

I'm really not sure what our plans are for the weekend. 
I'd like to read and work a bit on a book unit that includes creating a menu for differentiated instruction!