Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday Favorites: A Mix of Everything!

Hey there, Friday!
This week has been go-go-go!
I've had parent teacher conferences, a conference to attend, a substitute to plan for and hot, humid weather to contend with.
I'm so glad that Friday has finally come!
This is my favorite blog day because it's a Friday Favorites kind of day!

As always, I'm linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea
We're sharing our favorites from the week.
Grab their graphic and linkup with your favorites from the week, too.

Bread Baked by My Husband

I had a travel meeting the other night after my regular day at school. 
I love this travel community that I'm a part of because they wait and have the meetings after school when I can attend!
It took me about two hours to make it to where this one was held. 
There were lots of back roads, a huge moving truck parked on a narrow country road that I had to wait behind for 10 minutes and rainy weather. 
I got home pretty late and was surprised that my husband baked me banana bread!

Back Porch Sittin'

We got some new comfy chairs on our back porch.
I love sitting back there but haven't found a ton of time with school back in session. 
On this night I grabbed a few magazines and rocked for a few minutes!

The next morning I didn't have to be ready until an hour later than normal because we had a conference that day. 
I enjoyed my morning by doing two loads of laundry, lighting a candle and not feeling rushed!

Lilly Pulitzer Sale

I was so excited to come home and find a pretty package on my kitchen table!
Part of my Lilly order came!

Coincidentally enough I was wearing a Lilly top that I bought from the sale in-store!

Document Camera Fixin'

My old document camera stopped working last winter. 
The tech guys were kind enough to get me a new one. 
I'm so thankful that they took care of me so quickly, but this one doesn't have a light on it. 
That really improves how well you can see the Smartboard. 
My students have been having a hard time seeing the board. 
I related this to my team, and how funny are they that I had to slip out of lunch to a meeting for not even ten minutes. 
When I went back to my room after lunch there was a light taped to my document camera! 

For the Love of Antonio

We are quite the Steelers family!
I went to open my phone the other day and realized I had four different articles about Antonio Brown pulled up on my phone!
These were all articles that my dad sent me in one day!
In order to be loyal fans we have to stay up on the facts...or gossip!

It's almost fall and we will almost be hitting 90 degrees today!
We are supposed to get a major cool down over the weekend.
We have a wedding to attend, and I hope to finally get my fall decorations out!


  1. I love that your co-workers did that. Having a great tech-person is also super helpful. I am with you, I miss slow mornings from summer break! Happy weekend!

  2. Homemade bread is the absolute best!!! Now I want to make some haha.

    1. Yes! It's so good, especially in the morning for breakfast!
