Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Blog Plan 2019


It's no surprise that blogging has been rough for the last year.
I've thought about giving up so many times, but I really, really enjoy this world. 
There's simply just not enough hours in a day. 

I really considered closing down the blog after last year, and then I thought perhaps I could make it more meaningful and useful to me. 
I love the random and interesting posts that many bloggers do; however, many of them are earning money through their blog, not just doing it for fun. 
That's not my case, which is totally a-okay, but I need to change my outlook and posts because of that. 

From time to time I am going to do fun and random posts, but I'm going to try to make this more of a resource for me. 
For that reason I want to focus on...

1. Doing fewer posts-but with more quality

It's okay to not blog 5 days a week. 
I'm hoping to post two quality posts a week. 
This helps lessen the stress and allows me to really focus in on what I'm doing.

2. Transferring all recipes to the blog

I recently just started making a monthly menu. 
I have recipes in a recipe box, recipes in binders, recipes on Pinterest, recipes on the blog. 
Basically there are recipes everywhere!
The easiest way for me to access my recipes is for them to be online. 
I'm creating a spreadsheet for each month and linking my recipes on there, so I have access to the recipes at the grocery store and in my kitchen. 
It's so fun and easy to link other bloggers recipes, but there are a lot of tried and true recipes that I have that I haven't blogged yet. 
That's one main goal for the year. 

3. Reading recaps

I'm a reading and writing teacher, and I really love looking back at what I read. 
I want to do a better job of recapping what I've read. 
I feel like my memory is terrible, and often times need a jump start to think about something from the past. 
I really feel like keeping a regular reading recap would be beneficial!

4. Travel recaps

There are some trips from last fall that I haven't even gotten around to blogging yet. 
I don't want to forget the feels and memories of these trips, so I really need to make it a priority to blog about them. 
I never bought a domain name because I'm waiting and considering blending the blog with my travel agency. 
This is a huge jump and not something I want to hop right into. 
I'm being patiently and really considering the ups and downs of this, but I need to focus more on travel.

Overall, I want to enjoy blogging. 
I love reading others' blogs. 
I just simply have too many plates full right now to be super attentive and detailed. 
My main goal is to enjoy blogging and remain consistent with it without it feeling like a job or burden.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great plan for the year! I totally agree with putting recipes on the blog, too - I cannot tell you how many times I have referenced mine!
