Hey all!
It's Wednesday!
What's Up Wednesday!!!
Today we're answering the following questions plus
What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Today we're answering the following questions plus
What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
What we're eating this week:
This past weekend I mixed up a few things and because there's only the two of use, we eat them on repeat for a few days.
So, until Thanksgiving we will probably have
cheesy potatoes

broccoli cheese soup

Hawaiian swiss and ham rolls
Eat them alone and then eat them together!!

And then turkey, turkey, turkey!
What I'm reminiscing about:
I'm about to start boiling eggs to make deviled eggs.
I'm reminiscing all of the times that I made them with my grandma.
I don't even like deviled eggs, but I make them each year as a tribute to her!
What I'm loving:

I'm so excited for 5 days off!!
Our break begins at 2:40 today, and I couldn't be more excited!!
What we've been up to:
We haven't been up to a whole lot.
We went to NYC a couple of weekend ago, and since then have been hanging out at home.
What I'm dreading:
As much as I love decorating, we have SO so so many Christmas decorations that I half dread getting it all put out.
For a day or two our house looks like a disaster, and I hate a messy house!
I'm very excited for our first Christmas in this house together, but I dread the totes and totes of decorations!
What I'm working on:
As always, I'm grading papers and planning lessons.
We just wrapped up an awesome project based learning activity.
My students were trying to determine if we could create the perfect presidential candidate by combining a past and present candidate and their stances on issues.
Here are two of their yard signs for their new candidate.
As much as they loved debating, we are moving along.
Now we are on to literature circles and a Tic-Tac-Toe board.
What I'm excited about:
I can't wait to join in on The Most Wonderful Time of the Year linkup with Sarah and Victoria!
What I'm watching/reading:
First to mind was the Steelers
My family loves the Steelers and especially when they beat the Browns!
I'm all in on Sunday's and can't wait to watch them on Thanksgiving and Christmas night.
Hallmark Channel Christmas Movies
I'm not a tv person at all, so between Christmas shows and football, I've become quite the tv person lately!
What I'm listening to:
Right now I'm listening to Christmas music 24-7!!
What I'm wearing:
Scarves, scarves and more scarves!
It snowed last weekend and in the mornings it has been in the teens or 20's.
Scarves have been on repeat!
The other morning I walked into school, and it was freezing!
Like 62 degrees! Brr!!!
I'm usually one of the first ones there, so I went to check with the janitor to make sure that the furnace was still working.
What I'm doing this weekend:
To me the weekend starts at 2:40, so I will be doing a lot of decorating, eating and hanging out with famil
y and friends.
On Thursday we will go to my aunt's and Alex's parents.
Then, on Saturday we have our annual ThanksChristmas with friends.
In between I'm sure we will have people over to watch the Ohio State game.
I'm pretty sure I will do more decorating than watching! :)
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Next month is Christmas!!
I love everything Christmas!
I have a fun Christmas Day getaway planned for my mom and mother-in-law and then we are hosting our first ever Christmas dinner at our house!
I'm so excited!!
What else is new:
Life is pretty much the same!
What's your favorite Thanksgiving tradition:
I've always loved the Macy's Day Parade!
I will probably wake up, go for a run, shower and park it on the couch.
I love looking through the Thanksgiving Day paper and seeing all of the ads while watching/listening to the parade.
This is my first Thanksgiving in our house together, so I'm sure it will be a bit different, but maybe we will even start our own Thanksgiving traditions. Any ideas? What do you guys do?
I hope you all have a great Wednesday and Happy Early Thanksgiving!!
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